Saturday, July 6, 2013

Waiting...waiting... set... GO!

This is Hannah, and it's my first post. In fact, the whole concept of blogs is new to me, so posting me and my mother's progress on the Lily is going to be interesting, as well as fun. 

Today, we finally got to take the Lily out of her box and start working on labeling the many pieces, then popping the pieces out after they were labeled. We don't have the luxury of infinite work space, so we had to work on the table in the atrium, instead of the kitchen table. From the last experience of working on the Orchid dollhouse, we had very limited space when winter came.

Sorting is very important for organization so you don't lose pieces. If you're lucky, (unlike us) a large workspace will do you wonders. That's another thing that helps you not lose pieces. So far we've gotten 7 sheets done.  Another helpful hint is to check off the sheets you've already done on the sheet diagram.

Me getting ready to open the box 
(my mom and I were a little bit scared!

We labeled millions of parts, then we sorted them into bags. Before we started the Lily, I had already begun collecting things for it. Here are some of the newest miniatures I bought in Arizona (shown in the Orchid dollhouse).

This dog looks just like my aunt's dog, 
Stella (except that it's not the color grey)

The hanging basket will look darling hanging on the porch of the Lily. I'll have to get more so this one won't be lonely.

These beautiful flowers look easy to make, and go well with the quilt on the bed.

This vase full of flowers will look nice in the dining room,
or in one of the bedrooms of the Lily.


  1. Fabulous blog, Hannah!

    You have really accomplished a lot! That preparation work can be daunting, but you are so right ~ taking your time and staying organized is so important. I am glad you found a good place to work. The Lily does require some room to put together. One thing I love about the Lily is that the rooms are fairly spacious, so she will be fun to furnish and decorate.

    I am looking at the quilt in your last photograph and thinking that it looks like one you made. Did you sew this quilt? I love the colors and pattern; it looks wonderful in your Fairy House. So do your new flowers!

    Is the little wrought iron table on of Aunt Erma's that I sent you?

    Congratulations on your first blog ever; I am looking forward to your next entry.

  2. Great job blogging Hannah! I love all the things you have bought for your house. The flowers are beautiful! Have fun.

  3. Hi Hannah! Your going to be a blogging pro before you know it! Good post! You are beginning on the Lily and it is always good to start but I know how you feel when you first get the sheets out of the box.
    I have the Willowcrest that I have had sitting in the box for more than 12 years and decided to just have a good look inside to see what I will be working with; and talk about FEAR FACTOR! Yikes! I think I shall wait until the Arthur is DONE before I take the parts out again. Labeling is So important and bagging the parts is a VERY good idea ( I shall have to remember that). Working in the atrium looks like it will give you lots of natural light and that always helps. Way to go and keep posting on the progress on your LILY! You already have one house under your belt and what a charmer it is! Your little Orchid is just Darling!

